

Embodying Peace – 108-hour Global Mala Free Online Sadhana
Fall Equinox Wednesday Sept 23rd – Full Moon Sunday Sept 27th
Fall Equinox – 108 hours of Global Meditations and Prostrations for Peace


The Global Mala Project is uniting yoga, service, and collective action. The purpose of the project is to bring the global yoga community together from every continent, school and approach to form a “mala around the earth” through collective practices based upon the sacred cycle of 108 (108 Surya Namaskar, Mantra, Kriya, Meditation).
Learn more here

Max Castlunger

Yoga Beats

Prana Vinyasa Yoga Special & Live Music by Max Castlunger

22. Oktober 2015 at 19.00 – 21.00 pm

Come & let’s celebrate life! Feel the rhythm and move to the vibration of LoVe, JoY and HaPpInEsS – let yourself be guided by the divine pulsation of mother earth!

The very talented and unique percussionist Max Castlunger and I will bring you on unforgettable journey 🙂


Energy exchange: 25,00€




108 Pranams on winter solstice

21 december 2015 at 19.30 pm

The number 108 is very special in the ancient yogic tradition. It is the symbol and a celebration for the wholeness of our all existence. The Vedas describe 72.000 Nadis (energy lines) in our body; 108 of them are main Nadis, which all flow into the hrit-padma, the heart center. By going into the sacred practice of Pranams for 108 times our whole body will be filled with peaceful energy and our mind finds a trancelike state. This practice of 108 Pranams is such a powerful method to tend our heart fire – you should not miss it!

Energy exchange: 25,00€

Book your spot now!